Evaluation of the re-regulation of the gambling market. Interim report 1: Indicators for monitoring the effects of the re-regulation
On 1 January 2019, the Swedish gambling market will be re-regulated when a new gambling law enters into effect. The re-regulation is introducing a system which means that all operators offering gambling for money in Sweden must have a licence. A fundamental reason for this is that licensing shall provide control over the gambling currently being done online with operators not holding a licence. As part of the amended regulation, a new criminal offence, cheating at gambling, is being introduced to deter match fixing.
Statskontoret’s commission
Statskontoret (The Swedish Agency for Public Management) has been commissioned by the Government to monitor and evaluate the re-regulation of the gambling market. In this interim report we present tools and indicators for monitoring the re-regulation in an effective way. The commission shall subsequently be presented to the Government on 1 March each year up until 2022. During the work we will consult and gather knowledge from twelve government agencies to assist us in the work. These agencies are:
- Swedish National Courts Administration
- Swedish Prosecution Authority
- Swedish Police Authority
- Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå)
- National Board of Health and Welfare
- Public Health Agency of Sweden
- Swedish Tax Agency
- Swedish Enforcement Authority
- Swedish Gambling Authority
- Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
- Swedish Consumer Agency
- Swedish Competition Authority
Indicators for monitoring and evaluating the re-regulation
According to the commission, we shall monitor how the re-regulation impacts nine different areas. In this report we present indicators for monitoring the effects in each of the nine areas.
Market development
How the gambling market as such evolves is central for being able to assess the effects of the re-regulation. We monitor this through three indicators:
- data on gambling and the gambling market
- competitive conditions in the gambling market
- gambling service and employment.
Channelisation in the gambling market
Channelisation is the extent of the gambling that is taking place with licensed operators in Sweden. We monitor this through two indicators:
- degree of channelisation in the competitive market
- characteristics of non-licenses gambling operators.
State revenue from gambling
State revenue from gambling shall not decrease following re-regulation. We monitor this through three indicators:
- revenue from excise duty on gambling
- revenue from corporation tax for gambling operators
- revenue from dividends from Svenska Spel.
Cost development at government agencies
Certain government agencies may incur higher administrative costs as a consequence of the re-regulation. We monitor this through the following indicators:
- cost development for the agencies as a result of the re-regulation.
Financing of public benefit organisations
The revenue of public benefit organisations received from gambling shall not decrease following re-regulation. We monitor this through two indicators:
- the revenue of public benefit organisations from gambling
- sports sponsorship revenue from gambling.
Consumer protection in the gambling market
The re-regulation aims to strengthen consumer protection in the gambling market. We monitor this through three indicators:
- compliance of gambling operators with consumer protection regulations
- compliance of gambling operators with marketing regulations
- gambling by minors.
Public health and gambling
The re-regulation must prevent problem gambling and injurious effects from gambling. We monitor this through two indicators:
- gambling problems among the population
- financial problems due to gambling.
Personal privacy
The re-regulation contains several proposals that may impact personal privacy. We monitor this through three indicators:
- how gambling operators process personal data when gambling for money
- personal data in the self-exclusion register
- warning messages on non-licensed sites.
Criminality and crime prevention work
The re-regulation shall contribute to reducing crime in connection with gambling for money. We monitor this through two indicators:
- prevalence of illegal gambling activity
- prevalence of cheating at gambling.